A maelstrom of contrasting elements, "An Interview with the Artist Joshua McGarvey" simulates an artist profile in which I create a fake interview setting and format to communicate intimate information while wearing a mask of my own face.

Twin Cities Art Week: Joshua McGarvey Artist Meet and Greet

Join artist Joshua McGarvey for a meet and greet and walkthrough of his exhibition POSTURING.

This event is part of Twin Cities Art Week, a celebration of the vibrant local contemporary art scene in 24 venues across Minneapolis and St. Paul. From October 12-16, Twin Cities Art Week will offer a full calendar of events including a gallery crawl, live performances, exhibition walkthroughs, film screenings, artist talks, parties and more. Spearheaded by Dreamsong, the participants of Twin Cities Art Week include major institutions, small non-profit spaces, commercial galleries, artist-run spaces and university galleries dedicated to the presentation of contemporary art.

Please email visit@artsmia.org or complete our Request for Accommodation Form if there is anything we can provide to more fully support your participation in this event.

A maelstrom of contrasting elements, "An Interview with the Artist Joshua McGarvey" simulates an artist profile in which I create a fake interview setting and format to communicate intimate information while wearing a mask of my own face.